The faraway Nearby. This has always been a bit of a struggle for me. How do we bridge the distance when we or our loved ones are away. Recently I've been trying to find new ways to connect in part because our daughter, Kate, now lives three thousand miles away in Los Angeles. How can we stay close when we are far? It has taken me a while to understand that of the things that can create distance between people geography can be the least significant.

I began doing watercolors in my journals a while ago. I don't have much technique, but I love color and I enjoy doing these. I only paint when I'm on the road - most often in my journals while sitting in cafes. On most trips I carry with me a journal I like (unlined with sturdy paper), a travel watercolor kit, a pencil case with some watercolor crayons, brushes, waterproof pens for drawing.
But on this last trip to Spain I also brought with me some watercolor postcards (you can get them at any art supply store). I decided to send them to four friends who I thought might appreciate something that's not just a generic postcard. And so I painted and sent out a few. They were like little gifts. Here are two of them.
Maybe herein lies the entire secret of art. Whether it's good or bad, perhaps that doesn't matter at all. What matters is that we feel better when we do them. To me this is reason enough for putting pen or brush to paper. And it is just an added bonus when it makes the person on the receiving end feel better as well.